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24/25 At-a-glance School Calendar board approved 5-16-24

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National Foreign Language Month- Guess Who

Activity Bus
All students expecting to ride the activity bus MUST complete the Google form only available in the Cafeteria on the After School Kiosk.

Please Complete this Form
To learn more about Rams Online Learning Opportunities (ROLO) 


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Safe2Say Something

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December 29, no events3031123January 04, no events
January 05, no eventsJanuary 06, no events78910January 11, no events
January 12, no events1314151617January 18, no events
January 19, no events2021222324January 25, no events
January 26, no events2728293031February 01, no events


Soup Can

Welcome to South Eastern Middle School!

Each day, our students work with a faculty/staff team that is committed to their growth and development.  Our curriculum -- rooted in the Pennsylvania State Standards -- provides instruction in the four core subject areas (English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social studies).

In addition, our students are provided learning experiences in a variety of other subject areas, including World Languages (French, German, and Spanish), Computer Science, Art, Music, Family & Consumer Science, Physical Education/Health, and Technology Education.

Our school utilizes a teaming model featuring teams comprised of one teacher from each of the four core subjects.  There are four teams, two each for 7th and 8th grade.  Each team works with the same group of students, allowing the four team members to concentrate their instruction and support on a smaller group of students in that particular grade.

Working within a traditional seven-period day, featuring 45-minute class periods, our teachers use a variety of instructional methodologies to help students interact with the course content.  Among the strategies in each teacher's "instructional toolbox" are Project-Based Learning, guided inquiry, Hybrid Learning, direct instruction, and more.

Our school's program rests upon two pillars: 1) prepare our students to be successful both academically and behaviorally when they enter high school and 2) support our students in every way possible as they grow and develop during their 7th and 8th grade years.

At SEMS, we work to promote character education for all students with our RAMS Pride program.  With an emphasis on Respect (for others and for one's self), Accountability, Motivation, and Safety, the RAMS Pride program is designed to help students develop the positive attitude and resiliency that are keys to success in later life.

SEMS students also have the opportunity to take part in a variety of co-curricular clubs and sports programs, each of which is a valued part of our overall program.

Thank you for visiting our website!  Should you have any questions about our school, please feel free to contact me.

Doug Bryant

South Eastern Middle School
375 Main Street
Fawn Grove, PA
Fax # 717-382-9033
Doug Bryant 
717.382.4851 x2801
Kevin Wolf
Dean of Students
717.382.4851 x2802

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