1_Four Level Components

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) deals with bullying at four levels including school, classroom, individual, and community. 

RAMdom acts of kindness
A t the  SCHOOL level, a coordinating committee oversees the program. The committee meets to review the school policy, schools rules, conduct staff training, and to plan for special events.  At the school level SEMS-East recognizes that it is important to recognize the positive.  "RAM"dom acts of kindness are celebrated and students are given rewards for their contribution to promoting a healthy learning environment.
At the CLASSROOM level, regular meetings are held to establish an environment where students feel safe to talk about what is happening in school.  Open communication is important in building trust and respect among students and staff.  The classroom meetings are also a time when students learn how to interact appropriately with one another in person and when using technology, how to foster friendships,or how to navigate the internet safely.  Specific information and lesson materials are provided to teachers so that consistent messages are being taught to students.
At the INDIVIDUAL level, staff have been trained to deal with bullying situations on-the-spot.  Bullying incidents are reported and handled individually with the involved students.  Interventions, such as meetings with student(s), counseling, and/or parent involvement, take place.  It is our intent that each situation be handled individually and the goal for the intervention is a learning experience so that bullying behaviors can be eliminated. Our responsibility is to all students, including the bully, victim, and bystander.
At the COMMUNITY level, the anti-bullying message is spread throughout the community.  Parent involvement is important as we work together to convey a consistent message that bullying is wrong.  SEMS-East will continue to develop partnerships with community members to help spread the anti-bullying message.
To learn more about the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP), please click on the following link: